Our swimming programme encourages children to achieve certain milestones during their term time swimming lessons however sometimes children can spend more than one term at the same level. There are many reasons as to why this might happen…
Our coaches assess the children on these competencies during the term and recommend if your child has made enough progress throughout the term to move up to the next level.
Sometimes, moving up to the next level is not possible and this can be due to your child not having enough confidence, this comes with time and the skills are acquired by some children more quickly than others.
Repetition is key for your child to learn the techniques and sometimes this takes longer than others to learn. Another reason can be the actual size of your child can affect their development, for instance, if your child is smaller, they may have less stamina than other taller children and the size of your child affects their body position in the water which means some techniques can be harder for them to accomplish.
The jump between swimming levels can also be harder for some children and so the coach may suggest that the child stays in the same level for another term, as they wouldn’t want to move them up a level and them struggle.
How often you swim outside of your term time swimming lessons can also affect your child’s progress. The more often your child swims, even if this is just playing in the pool, the better. This extra time in the water builds confidence and stamina. Think of the time spent in the pool playing on holiday, it can often be hours, and this all goes towards improving their stamina when it comes to their swimming lessons.
The one thing not to worry about is when a child repeats a swimming level, this is highlighted to the coach and they adapt the swimming lesson to them so that they can work on their weaknesses and sail through to the next level.
You can check our swimming programme page to find out and the competencies your child need to achieve for different levels.